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Preface to the GUI Design Handbook
Checkbox to Cursor
Dialog Box to Drop-down List
Graph to Iconic Label
Keyboard Shortcuts to List Box
Menubar to Message Box
Online Help
Palette to Pushbutton
Radio Buttons to Status Bar
Table to Wizard

14 Steps of GUI Design
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Field, Entry

An area that lets users enter and edit data. Depending on the type of application, data-entry fields allow users to enter, edit, and save database and system information or to enter values for analyses. Some applications also use fields to run searches—for example, the user can enter a last name, Social Security number, or other key data, and then click Search to find a particular record. A subcategory of the data-entry field is the multiple-line field.

Good for:

For database operations, letting users create or change records (Fig. 1). The entries are saved on permanent storage media.

Fig. 1. Database field.

For analysis operations, letting users run calculations and analyses (Fig. 2). The entries are usually not saved.

Fig. 2
. Input area for part of an analysis.

For system-level utilities, letting users save file names and other system information (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3
. Entry area for a file name.
Not good for:

Running commands. Use command lines instead.

Entering fixed kinds of information. Rather than making users type the same information repeatedly, use combo boxes, lists, check boxes, or radio buttons instead.

Design guidelines:

Note that data-entry, required, and protected fields overlap. Required fields are a type of data-entry field, and protected fields can change from protected to entry, depending on which business or data-integrity rules are in effect.

Visual design for data-entry fields

Entry fields should look like they accept data. Create this effect by

  • Providing a frame or box for the entry area
  • Using a beveled border that makes the field look inset (Marcus 1995, 141)
  • Using a different, lighter color for the entry area so that it contrasts with the background
  • Except for passwords, always displaying the user’s entries as he or she types them

Other general design guidelines:

  • When a field appears, it should either be empty or contain an initial default value. (See Field, Required, for more information on default entries.) If the field contains a value, the value should become selected (and therefore editable or replaceable) when the cursor enters the field.
  • Provide a label. However, because the data are more important than the labels, make sure that the labels are smaller, lighter, or less visible than the data (Bellcore 1994, 5-46). See Label for details on label location and text case.
  • Group related fields. See Label for field layout guidelines.

Disabled entry fields

Sometimes fields become unavailable or disabled temporarily (because of business or data-integrity rules). When fields are temporarily disabled, follow these guidelines:

  • If users cannot change the contents of a field temporarily, turn the contents gray but do not change the color of the entry area.
  • If the field itself is temporarily unavailable, gray out the label and background of the entry area (Marcus 1995, 141; Weinschenk and Yao 1995, 33).

Note that, in contrast, permanently protected fields use the window’s background color for their data areas and have no beveled edges.

Width of entry areas

It used to be that picking field widths was easy—in a monospaced-font interface, the entry area was the same width as the field. With the arrival of proportional fonts, however, the widths of fields and their entry areas parted company (Fig. 4).

Fig. 4. The difference between monospaced and proportionally spaced entry areas.

To pick the appropriate entry-area width for a variable-length field:

  1. Find the field size, if you haven’t already done so, by averaging the lengths of typical sample data.

  2. Create a text box, then type the average number of characters (a series of lowercase n’s will do) into it. Adjust the width of the box until you can see all of the characters at once. You can make the actual field longer provided that you let the user navigate left and right beyond the edges of the displayed area. Keep in mind, however, that users dislike horizontal scrolling in fields.

If you are going to internationalize your interface, make sure that you repeat the average-field length tests for entries in the target languages. These entries can be 30 to 200 percent longer than their English counterparts. See Table xxx in Label for details.

To find the best width for fixed-length fields (which are usually codes), create a text box for the field, then type in as many uppercase Ms (the widest letter in the Latin alphabet) as the code requires. For example, for a two-digit state field, you’d type MM. If the last M isn’t cut off, the entry area is the right size.

When the widths of a number of fields are similar, match the widths rather than defining customized widths for each one. However, keep in mind that the size of the entry area signifies the data length to users. Don’t be tempted to make entry areas too short or too long only for aesthetic reasons (Weinschenk and Yao 1995, 33).

Multiple-line fields

Most data-entry fields do not let users change the text font or size or enter more than one line of data. The exception is the multiple-line field, which let users type, edit, and read passages of text. Typical uses include e-mail messages and text files (Galitz 1997, 340; Microsoft 1995a, 159).

Multiple-line fields, especially those defined as "rich-text fields," can be printed and have OLE functions—for example, you can let users show part of a spreadsheet in the field (Microsoft 1995a, 159).


Don’t force users to right-justify or left-justify entries themselves.

  • If the entry is alphabetical, left-justify it.

  • If it’s numeric, right-justify it.

  • If it’s decimal, justify the entry around the decimal point.

Also don’t force users to enter leading zeros and don’t force them to change the text’s case themselves (Bellcore 1994, 5-47).

Note: Different writing systems have different justification rules. For example, Hebrew and Arabic writing systems are bidirectional¾ text is entered and displayed from right to left, but numbers (and any Roman-alphabet words) are entered and displayed from left to right (Apple Computer 1992, 105-107). See Fig. 5.

Fig. 5. A sample, done in English, of bidirectional text.
Note that the number is (within the context) reversed.

For more information on internationalization issues, see Fowler and Stanwick, 1995, chapter 6, "International Software" (1995, 241-242).

Keyboard navigation and usage

Users must move between fields and inside fields. Guidelines for moving between fields are:

  • Provide mnemonics (see Keyboard Shortcuts for details). Put the access-key underline on the label, but when the user presses the access key, put the cursor in the live entry area (Microsoft 1995a, 157).

Fig. 6. "L" is the mnemonic for the "Last Name" field.


  • Use Tab, Shift+Tab, and the up and down arrow keys to move between fields (Microsoft 1995a, 157; Digital 1995, 253).

  • If the users are familiar (from character-based interfaces) with pressing Enter to move between fields, also allow Enter even though it might seem like un-GUI behavior. Carolyn Snyder, usability expert at User Interface Engineering, points out that it’s "not true that Microsoft has ‘invalidated’ using the Enter key. In some Windows products (Microsoft Money being one), the user can set a preference to navigate with Enter rather than Tab." Having this option is important, she says. "I have seen users accustomed to a DOS-based system get all hung up over the Tab/Enter thing because hitting Enter has become such a reflex for them. This sounds like a trivial thing, but I've seen it cause new users significant difficulty" (Snyder 1997).

Guidelines for moving inside single-line fields are:

  • The left and right arrow keys move the cursor left and right by one character.

  • In fields containing multiple words, Ctrl+ß moves the cursor to the beginning of the previous word. Ctrl+à moves the cursor to the next word (Digital 1995, 252).

  • The Begin or Home key moves the cursor to the beginning of the line or field. The End key moves the cursor to the end of the line or field (Digital 1995, 252). An alternate is Ctrl + left or right arrow (Marcus 1995, 141).

Guidelines for moving inside multiple-line fields are:

  • The up and down arrow keys move to the previous or next line (note that in single-line fields, the up and down arrows move to other components).

  • The left and right arrow keys move the cursor left and right by one character.

  • Ctrl+ß moves the cursor to the beginning of the previous word. Ctrl+à moves the cursor to the next word (Digital 1995, 252).

  • The Begin or Home key moves the cursor to the beginning of the line or field. The End key moves the cursor to the end of the line or field (Digital 1995, 252). An alternate is Ctrl+ß or Ctrl+à (Marcus 1995, 141).

  • Ctrl+Begin or Ctrl+Home moves the cursor to the beginning of the file. Ctrl+End moves the cursor to the end of the file.

  • Use double-clicking to select individual words (Digital 1995, 253).

  • Use Tab for indenting (Digital 1995, 253).

  • Use Return to insert a carriage return. The Digital guidelines suggest using Enter or Ctrl+Enter to invoke the window or dialog box’s default action. This requires a keyboard with both Enter and Return (Digital 1995, 253).


Note that, if the window or dialog box has a default pushbutton activated with Enter, you may need to disable default access as long as the cursor is in the multiple-line field.

Cut, paste, undo, redo

Applications should, at a minimum, allow cut, copy, and paste operations using the standard accelerators (Ctrl+X for cut, Ctrl+C for copy, and Ctrl+V for paste). Toolbar cut, copy, and paste buttons are always helpful.

Provide a method for selecting data using the keyboard (not just the mouse). The Digital guidelines suggest Ctrl and spacebar (1995, 253). In Microsoft Windows 3.x and 95 programs, Shift plus the left and right arrows select text.

When using Delete or Backspace, Microsoft recommends that the application not put the cut text in the Clipboard. Instead, provide at least one level of undo (1995a, 63).

Insert and overtype

If the field supports replace mode, use the Insert key to toggle between insert and overtype mode (Digital 1995, 253; Microsoft 1995a, 63). For insert mode, use the text insertion cursor. For overtype mode, use a block cursor on top of the current character and reverse-highlight the character (Microsoft 1995a, 62-63).

You can define multiple-line fields to accept paragraph breaks and font changes. Make sure that you support wraparound. Do not force users to enter their own line breaks or to type out of view—past the borders of the entry area—even if you supply scroll bars (Bellcore 1994, 5-47).

Fig. 7. An ill-behaved multiple-line field.

Auto skip

"Auto skip" or "automatic return" makes the cursor move automatically to the next field as soon as the last character in the previous field is completely filled. Theoretically, since auto skip eliminates pressing Tab or Return, it should be faster than manually tabbing between fields. However, it is not faster for data-entry personnel working on "heads-down" form-based data-entry windows. (See Windows for the three types of windows.)

Professional data-entry personnel have two characteristics that make auto skip problematic: They are usually touch typists and they rarely look at the screen while they work. Since not all fields are completely filled, the typists often have to stop, check the screen to find out where the cursor is, then either tab to the next field or just start typing again.

For example, Fig. 8 shows auto skip under ideal circumstances. The typist fills in the street address, presses Tab, types the two-character state abbreviation, and the cursor jumps automatically to the ZIP code field.

Fig. 8. As long as the state is filled in completely,
the cursor jumps automatically to the next field.

Fig. 9 shows what actually happens much of the time. The street address is too long, but the typist isn’t looking at the screen and doesn’t notice. He continues typing, but now he’s in the state field, which accepts the two letters (no editing) and moves the cursor into the ZIP code field. Since the ZIP code field doesn’t accept letters, it beeps, finally breaking his concentration. At this point, he has three bad entries to fix.

Fig. 9. An auto skip failure.

Like skiing or ice-skating, touch-typing is most satisfying when its practitioner can get into the flow. Auto skip, unfortunately, breaks that flow. Wilbert O. Galitz found in a 1972 study that "auto skip, while requiring fewer keystrokes, was found to result in longer keying times and more errors than manual tabbing because it disrupted the keying rhythm (1997, 151). It also requires learning and constant analysis, as he demonstrates in Fig. 10.

Auto skip is also contraindicated when employee turnover is high and when users don’t spend significant amounts of time doing data entry. New hires might have trouble learning the navigation style; infrequent users might have trouble remembering the rules and the codes.

However, auto skip can be helpful in either of two situations: if every field on the window is fixed-length or if the application uses a "heads-up" conversational-type window.

When every field contains a fixed-length code, the application need not make the experienced data-entry typist press Tab or Enter. Keep in mind, however, that the inexperienced user who has yet to memorize all the codes may have trouble keeping his or her place. If usability tests indicate a problem, let these users switch from manual skip to auto skip when they feel they’ve gotten up to speed.

A typical conversational application is a word processing program or a telephone reservations system. Since the data-entry personnel are looking at the screen while they input information, they see the auto skipping occur and therefore don’t lose track of the cursor location.

Auto fill (auto-complete) is a good alternative to auto skip. See "Transformations and edits" below for details.

Data-entry and touch typists

If your users complain about having to use the mouse too much, find out if they’re touch-typists. Touch typists like to keep their hands in the home position (on the middle row of keys, from A to F and J to the colon). They do not like to switch between mouse and keyboard. Accommodate touch typists by

  • using the standard set of mnemonics (Ctrl+S for save, Ctrl+C for copy, and so on),

  • making sure that all lists use combo boxes (with combo boxes, you can either type or select an entry from the list), and

  • making sure that all check boxes can be set by typing a letter or number (X, Y, or N, M or F).

Data error prevention and correction

Where there is data entry, there are errors. One of the reasons that your application uses field edits is to prevent and, if necessary, handle errors.

You can prevent misunderstandings by building your interface around the users’ conceptual models (see Appendix A). You can make some errors unlikely by editing the data and by improving visibility, feedback, and mapping (matching computerized and actual items—for example, using an onscreen thermometer to set a temperature). You can prevent other errors by the judicious use of constraints. Once you’ve done as much prevention as you can think of, then you can offer graceful recovery methods.

Transformations and edits

To design fields most effectively, you must map the system model (in a database, columns, rows, data, flags) to the user’s conceptual model (what stock is available, what needs to be reordered, what should be sent back to the manufacturer). In other words, your application must accept whatever seems sensible to the user as input (input transformation); display whatever makes sense to the user as output (output transformation); and constrain only when constraint is more efficient for the user (one-to-one transformation).

An input transformation is what many developers would call an edit. Carl Zetie (1995) uses dates as typical candidates for input transformation. For example, each of these dates are the same, if you accept that some are European versions of December 5, 2000:

  • 12/5/00

  • 12/5/2000

  • 12-5-2000

  • 05-12-2000

  • December 5, 2000

  • 5 December 2000

In a well-mannered application, the user would either know exactly which of these formats to use (because the label or the field says so) or the application would accept any of them. (For more on dates, see "Date formats" below.) The input is then transformed twice—once to its internal representation, which is usually the number of days since an arbitrary starting date; and secondly to its display or output state—for example, 12/05/00 (Zetie 1995, 79).

An output transformation extracts meaning from a mass of data. An output transformation generally starts with a totality of information from a database or analysis, but ends with a display of only the most significant points.

For example, an inventory system might "know" that the level of a particular item is so low that it is triggering a reorder and that crates of an out-of-stock item are waiting to be unloaded into the warehouse. However, no matter how much information it may have, the system will—correctly—show only that some items are deliverable and some aren’t. A sales clerk sees the available items in blue (not shades of blue corresponding to how available they are) and unavailable items in red (not shades of red). The output transformation pulls just the necessary information from the entire universe of information. "Choosing a good output transformation is always a question of reducing the information presented to the user to everything that she needs to know, but no more" (Zetie 1995, 79).

A one-to-one transformation means that there is a one-to-one correspondence between the user model and the system model—in Solitaire, for example, the cards in the user’s mind match the cards on the screen. In a user interface, replacing a yes/no question with a checkbox would be a one-to-one transformation. In a printout, displaying the stock items’ names rather than their catalog numbers (the sales clerk’s input) would be another type of one-to-one transformation.

One-to-one transformations are more appropriate than standard input transformations whenever "it is useful to force the user to a single way of expressing an input. For example, replacing a yes/no question with a check box eliminates the user’s doubt over whether the question can be answered with a simple ‘Y,’ or requires ‘Yes’ in full, or is case-sensitive" (Zetie 1995, 81).

Following are ways to handle errors and some of the most typical data-entry problems. However, keep in mind that any good solution requires a deep understanding of your users’ goals and conceptual models. For detailed advice, see chapter 2, "Conceptual Models," in Zetie (1995); chapter 4, "Applying Object-Orientation to User Interfaces," and chapter 5, "Three Domains of OO Design for the User Interface," in Collins (1995); and chapter 3, "The Three Models," in Cooper (1995).

Visibility, feedback, mapping

To improve visibility, show users exactly what you expect from them. For example, if you want users to enter dates in DD-MON-YYYY format, put "DD-MON-YYYY" inside the field as a mask that the user overtypes (Fig. 11), or put "DD-MON-YYYY" in the label.

Fig. 11. Date-format masks and labels.

To improve feedback, let users know, when they make errors, both that there is a problem and what the solution is. For example, what if the user types a date in MM-DD-YY format—"12/05/00," say, but the required format is DD-MM-YY? In this case, the error message should include the right date format (see Fig. 12).

Fig. 12. Error message with the right level of feedback.

To improve mapping, more closely match software components to items in the user’s universe. For example, you can let users enter dates in any format that makes sense to them, and then change them internally to the format your application requires. For even better mapping, you can let users select dates from an onscreen calendar (Zetie 1995, 210).

Make sure that the mapping is efficient as well as effective, however. For setting up appointments in a week or so, a scrollable calendar is fine; for setting a maturity date 30 years out, a scrollable calendar would be an abominable waste of time. (You need to be able to type in a date in that case.) However, in the financial application, having a calendar as a backup would be useful: If the chosen maturity date fell on a weekend, a pop-up calendar set to the appropriate week and year would make it easy to pick a weekday.

Fig. 13. Effective temperature mapping. Users can drag
the mercury up and down the thermometer.

You also can prevent range errors with good mapping. A range error occurs if the user is asked to enter a range of dates, numbers, or other items, and he or she types an entry for the small end that is larger than the entry for the large end. Of course you can test for the error and put up a message, but why not use a scale instead and thereby prevent the issue from even coming up? For example, if the only valid temperatures range between 0° and 100°, let users pick a temperature by dragging a selector on a 0°-100° thermometer widget (Fig. 13). Just make sure that you add an entry area for fine adjustments and for touch typists.


By constraining users with lists, you can prevent "set" errors—in other words, you can restrict users to a set of entries known to be valid. For example, you can let users select one item from a small set of items by using a combo box, or select more than one item by using a multiple-select list box. You can also let users enter anything but validate the entry later against a database lookup table or a code table (Zetie 1995, 210-212). For more information about small sets, see Combo Box.

Some applications use keystroke restriction—in other words, the application validates each character as it is entered. This method has the advantage of immediate feedback. However, if the user can’t see the list that the application is using and she makes a spelling mistake, which will prevent her from continuing, she can’t tell what the error is and can’t get out of the field. To avoid this problem, either make sure the user can see the relevant part of the list (as per the Microsoft Windows help indexes) or use keystroke restriction’s more friendly cousin, auto fill. (See "Auto Fill.")

Recovery strategies

Users learn best by exploring; they will be inclined to explore if they know that the application will let them explore without causing unintended damage or that it will let them correct mistakes easily. One of the consequences of being able to explore is error—either user error (typing errors, format errors, and so on) or exception error (any action that is invalid in the current system state).

Most field edits are designed to prevent or catch user errors. However, exception errors are unpredictable because they are interactions of mode, context, and whatever has been done so far in the session. Some, in fact, are not really errors, just unfortunate combinations of circumstances—for example, the sales clerk cannot ring up an item because the barcode has no match in the inventory database. Most exceptions, therefore, cannot be prevented. The alternative is allowing a graceful recovery.

Zetie offers three principles that can help the developer design error-recovery strategies (1995, 222-228):

  • Principle of forgiveness: Make it easy to reverse unwanted actions. For example, offer multiple levels of undo and redo. In transaction processing, do not force users to commit database changes until absolutely necessary (perhaps by using temporary, local tables for partial saves and pre-commit saves).

  • Principle of confirmation: Make it hard to do irreversible damage. The simplest type of confirmation is the chicken switch: "Are you sure that you want to blow up the Moon? Yes, No, Cancel." However, confirmation at the point of closure, although necessary, doesn’t cover the many possible levels of destruction. In a multi-user transactional-processing environment, for example, a mistake can have significant business costs. If a warehouse supervisor records a stock delivery, other agents may immediately begin accepting orders against that stock. If the warehouse supervisor made a mistake, the company may find itself with orders it cannot fill. The developer has to strike a balance between making it difficult for the user to make a mistake and obstructing correct actions unnecessarily. The key is the importance of the mistake (Zetie 1995, 227): How much will a mistake cost in rework or in actual cash? And how likely is it to happen?

  • Principle of failsafe: Make the default or easiest action harmless. Partly this means don’t make Exit or Delete the default action. (Within reason: If the user is in a Delete state of mind, forcing her to reselect the Delete key and do a confirmation for each file or record is intrusive. Give her a method for turning off confirmation temporarily.) But failsafe also requires that work be saved temporarily somewhere—in automatically created backup files, in a change-control system, in wastebaskets that let you undelete files. Make sure that your users can change their minds.

Auto fill

Auto fill, a type of input transformation, is a good alternative to the popular but problematic auto skip. (See the "Auto Skip" section.) With auto fill, the program fills in the rest of the field as soon as the user has typed enough characters to match a previous entry for that field uniquely. For example, Quicken will fill in "U.S. Post Office" as soon as the user types "U." The advantage of this approach is that it doesn't slow down an inexperienced user (Snyder 1997).

To find candidates for auto fill, do some brainstorming. Test each field for possible "set" behavior. For example, does this field have a small defined set of entries (states or provinces)? Does the user have a standard set of entries that he can enter either all at once or as he goes along, like the vendors’ list in Quicken?

If the users’ current software has auto-fill fields, at least make sure that you have the same ones in the new software. But also look for additional possibilities—for example, say that the current software fills in the city and state automatically from the ZIP code. Extend this functionality by generating a delivery-point bar code for the address.

When you use auto fill, just make sure that it doesn’t too tightly restrict users. For example, commercially available ZIP-code databases occasionally have missing or wrong ZIP codes. The data-entry clerk has to be able to override wrong addresses. Work with expert users to identify typical exceptions and problems.

From an object-oriented point of view, "an autocompletion text entry field should appear as a subclass of the generic text entry field." Finding good candidates in advance and "designing a class hierarchy [for them] will help insure behavior that is consistent and useful." (Collins 1995, 278).

Recalculation and "false" values

Number-crunching applications (stock and bond analyses, accounting applications, spreadsheets) often have a "recalculation" problem, stated as follows: "As soon as the user changes one of these numbers (some crucial benchmark, fee, etc.), all the rest of the numbers are invalid. How do we prevent him or her from taking these bad numbers seriously?"

This problem is complicated by timing. In some applications, the entire set of fields is recalculated automatically as soon as the user moves to the next field. With automatic recalculation, most of the difficulty goes away. (The problem remains if the user’s attention is lost momentarily or if the recalculation takes a while—she might forget that the numbers are invalid.)

In other applications, however, the cost of recalculating automatically is too high. For example, the calculation might require information from the server or has to be done on the server, which means network access and delays. Or perhaps users need to change more than one number and it doesn’t make sense to recalculate until they’ve finished the entire set of entries.

The question is, how do you indicate to the user that a number is invalid or untrue pending a recalculation? The answer is, offer good feedback. Following are some of the possibilities. Make sure that you test your choices on users—an indicator that may seem obvious to you may be invisible to users.

  • Make the other dependent fields unavailable until the recalculation is finished. This may be appropriate when fields are mutually dependent—in other words, a change in one field must change the other fields. For example, in a bond-analysis program, changing the price changes the yield and the spread; changing the spread changes the price and the yield; and so on. You can’t change two of the three values at the same time.

  • Indicate which mutually dependent field is "true" by changing its background color, font, or the border of the field. If the user enters a value in another dependent field, then that field becomes true instead and its appearance changes.

  • Make the user type the new value or values into a separate command line (spreadsheet-style) or dialog box. This has the advantage of indicating that something out of the ordinary is happening.

  • Change the false values to italic or a different color until the values are recalculated. This works for both automatic systems and systems in which the user must press a Recalculate button. Once the values have been recalculated, change the color or font back to normal.

  • If the recalculation itself can take a long time, disable printing and data exporting (to prevent dissemination of bad values) during the calculation but let the user do other work in the meantime. Also provide him or her with a way to cancel the recalculation—a progress-indicator box with a Cancel Calculation button, for example.

When recalculations are instantaneous rather than slow, you have a different kind of problem. Daniel P.B. Smith describes it as follows: "What do you do as consecutive digits are typed into the field? That is, suppose the old value was 105 and you are typing in the new value, 100. As you type successive digits, the value in the window is, successively, 105, then 1, then 10, then 100. The calculation itself is virtually instantaneous, so it is completely feasible to recalculate the successive results for 1, then 10, then 100. Thus it is easy to have the display ‘always tell the truth.’ But the resulting appearance looks and feels weird, and I decided that was wrong. I decided the right thing to do was to delay recalcuation until the entry was ‘complete,’ continuing to display the values for 105 and then changing to the values for 100. This then compelled me to deal with the issues of knowing when the entry is complete (wait for the focus to change), and modifying the appearance to signify that ‘stale’ values are being displayed."

He added, "I continue to be astonished that such a familiar problem seems to have no well-accepted standard convention for its handling" (Smith 1997).

Codes for paper and online forms

If you need to use codes, keep in mind the following difficulties (Galitz 1989, 117-119).

On hand-written forms, these letters are often illegible: Y N V Z Q U G.

On forms and online, these pairs are often confused:

  • I and 1

  • O and 0

  • B and 8

  • Z and 2

These codes are hard to type: YX, JS (vs. TH, IN).

Internationalization of data

Different cultures have different calendars, different ways of presenting dates and times, different ways of indicating currency, different weights and measures, and different requirements for control characters.

The next few sections contain information about various data formats. However, these tables are designed to show the range of variations rather than every possible format. You might want to consult an experienced translator during the design phase for any exceptions or recent changes to the target-language standards. Note: The "See Also" section contains a list of internationalization resources.


Some of the calendar systems used in different countries or industries are listed on Table 1.

Table 1. International Calendar Systems

Civil or Business

Arabic astronomical lunar calendar

A lunar calendar beginning on the first day of the month preceding Mohammed's journey from Mecca to Medina (July 16, 622 Gregorian); it measures the Era of the Hegira.

Arabic civil lunar calendar

A lunar calendar that retains the traditional method of calculating exact lunations for the user's location (Apple Computer 1992, 226).

Buddhist calendar

Countries using Buddhist calendars specify their year as the Buddhist era, which varies from country to country, as does the recognized birthdate of the Buddha (National Language Technical Center 1992, 4-1).

Hebrew calendar

A solar and lunar calendar that measures time from the traditional date of creation, which can be extrapolated to October 6, 3761 B.C. on the Gregorian calendar. A year can be 353 to 355 days long or 383 to 385 days long (Apple Computer 1992, 227).

Japanese imperial calendar

The same as the Gregorian calendar except that its year number is based on the year of accession of the current emperor. Since each emperor gives a name to his reign, the dates also include the name of the reign (Apple Computer 1992, 228).

Gregorian calendar

A solar calendar that measures time since the date accepted as the birth date of Jesus Christ. Used as the civil calendar in English-speaking and Western European countries and as a business calendar worldwide.


Julian day

Astronomical day count. January 1, 1987, is Julian day 2,446,795.5, for example (National Language Technical Center 1991, 3-2).

Day number reference

YYDDD format. January 1, 2000, is 00001 (National Language Technical Center 1991, 3-2).

Many of these calendars, or algorithms that can be used to switch from one to another, are supplied with localized versions of operating-system software.

Date formats

The short-date formats are methods for writing the day, month, and year in numbers and symbols. (In long-date formats, the date is spelled out ¾ December 5, 1998, for example.)

Date formats vary between different calendar systems as well as between countries and regions. Table 2 lists some short-date samples using December 5, 1998 as the date.

Table 2. International Date Formats





yyyy-mm-dd (months use roman numerals)


Canada, English



Canada, French




dd/mm/yyyy or

05/12/1998 or 05.12.1998



Japan, civil


Japan, imperial

era yy year mm month dd day

must be written in Kanji characters




Note: Some multinational organizations use long-date formats exclusively to prevent misunderstandings.


Ways of presenting time of day also vary, although not as often as dates. Table 3 gives some examples (National Language Technical Center 1992, 4-8-4-9).

Note: In military or 24-hour time, midnight is "00:00:00," not "24:00:00." Midnight is also not 12:00 a.m. and noon is not 12:00 p.m. (it's 12 noon or 12:00 in 24-hour time).

Table 3. International Time Formats




Canada, English



Canada, French

hh h mm min ss s

22 h 49 min 11 s



kl 22.49.11


hh:mm:ss a.m. or p.m.

10:49 p.m. or 10:49:11


Currency has these characteristics::

  • The symbol used to indicate the currency¾ for example, £ for British pound, ¥ for Japanese yen

  • Where the symbol appears in the number

  • The formats of the monetary fields themselves

  • How negative numbers are shown (see "Mathematical formats")

  • Field sizes

Table 4 lists some examples of monetary formats (National Language Technical Center 1991, 3-6).

Table 4. International Currency Formats


Country and Currency Name


U.S. dollar


German mark

12 345,67 F

French franc

N$ 123,45-

Uruguayan nuevo peso, negative


Portuguese escudo

Note: ISO 4217, Codes for the Representation of Currency and Funds, is a list of unambiguous, uppercase, three-letter codes for all national currencies. Although many countries call their currency "dollars," the ISO codes differentiate among them well: For example, the code for the U.S. dollar is USD, the code for the Canadian dollar is CAD, and code for the New Zealand dollar is NZD. For lists of international currencies (in a currency commodities application, for example), using these codes may be easier and less ambiguous than trying to use the national symbols.

Although localized operating-systems accommodate different currencies, you must remember to leave enough space in your fields. Some currencies use numbers that are up to four digits larger than what you'd need to express the same amount in U.S. dollars. For example, the equivalent of $10,000 is approximately 16,850,000 Italian lira.

If the country uses brackets to indicate negative numbers, you must add another two characters, plus up to four more characters for the currency symbol, and two characters for delimiters (National Language Technical Center 1991, 3-6).

The international financial markets have their own peculiar formats for prices. Prices are often quoted in eights, sixteenths, and thirty-seconds, which may be displayed as fractions (981/8), decimal numbers, or with hyphens and pluses to indicate various combinations of eighths, sixteenths, and thirty-seconds (98-15+).

Mathematical formats

Although mathematics is an international language, it does have dialects. Here are some areas of difference:

Negative numbers

You may find a leading hyphen -10, a trailing hyphen 10-, parentheses (10), or square brackets [10] being used to indicate negative numbers. Remember to align numbers correctly:

123 456 789
[234 567 890]
¬ out of alignment

Names for large numbers

In the U.S., this amount¾ 1,000,000,000¾ is a billion. In the U.K. (and Europe generally), this same amount is called a "thousand million" or a "milliard." A British billion is the same as the U.S. trillion¾ 1,000,000,000,000. This difference is beginning to be erased in financial applications. (The international community is settling on the U.S. format.) However, if there is any possibility of error, make sure that you know what terminology your users are using.

Separators for decimals and thousands

Table 5 lists some common variations in decimal and thousands separators (National Language Technical Center 1991, 3-6; National Language Technical Center 1991, 5-3-5-4; Apple Computer 1992, 200; Microsoft 1993, 217-228).

Table 5. International Mathematical Formats



4 Digits Plus Decimal

More than 4 Digits

Used in

Comma, period




U.S., English-speaking Canada

Apostrophe, period





Space, period


1 234.56

12 345 678.90


Space, comma



12 345 678,90

French-speaking Canada, France, South Africa

Period, comma




Poland, Iceland, Brazil

Rounding conventions. Rounding conventions vary not only from one country to another but from one industry to another, and sometimes within industries according to convention.

In Switzerland, for example, legislation governs the rounding of monetary values. Instead of rounding up by 0.01, Swiss francs round up or down by 0.05. For example, according to the National Language Technical Center (1992, 5-2),

12.325 rounds down to 12.30
12.326 rounds up to 12.35
12.376 rounds up to 12.40

Another example: In the U.S. bond market, prices of primary-market Treasuries ("primary" means sold by the Federal government to brokers) are rounded to three decimal places, but secondary-market Treasury prices (from brokers to portfolio managers and other buyers) are rounded to six decimal places. Corporate, government agency, and municipal securities are truncated at three decimal places.

Weights and measures

Most countries use metric systems rather than the imperial system used in the U.S. and the U.K. Therefore, enabling weights and measures usually means accommodating metric weights, measures, and unit names or symbols. It may, however, include transforming numbers from one system to another in countries like the U.S. and Canada that use both metric and imperial measurement systems.

Also, some industries have their own systems. For example, U.S. land surveyors and engineers use an imperial foot divided into 10 rather than 12 segments. Paper manufacturers measure their paper by caliper thickness and weight. Font manufacturers use points, picas, and agates. Jewelers use carats. Some of these systems are local; others, to facilitate trade, are international.

Usability tests:

When you use auto fill, make sure that it doesn’t restrict users. Users have to be able to override wrong information or add missing information. Work with expert users to identify typical exceptions and problems.

If the application will be internationalized (users can pick their own calendars, currencies, and so on, but most of the interface will be in English) or localized (all of the interface will be translated), do extensive testing with target users in the other locations.

See also:

Command Line; Field, Protected; Field, Required.

Internationalization resources

For an overview on the internationalization of GUIs, see Fowler and Stanwick, The GUI Style Guide (1995). For help with internationalization programming, see Nadine Kano, Developing International Software for Windows 95 and Windows NT (1995), Ken Lunde, Understanding Japanese Information Processing (1993), the National Language Technical Center (IBM) National Language Support Reference Manual, Vol. 2 (1992), Bill Tuthill, Solaris international developer’s guide (1993), Apple Computer Guide to Macintosh Software Localization (1992).

As well as programming structures and hints, these books also contain information on sorting orders, cultural differences, differences in calendars, money, weights and measures, and so on, from one country to another. If you’re serious about internationalization, it is worth your while to get them all, whether they match your development platform or not.

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Field, Protected

An area that displays data but that doesn’t accept a cursor. Use protected fields to show system values, already saved values, or calculated values without allowing changes.

Good for:

Displaying read-only results of calculations or earlier entries (Fig. 15).

protected field

Fig. 14. Permanently protected field.

Indicating and managing business and data-integrity rules (Fig. 15).

Design guidelines:

Note that data-entry, required, and protected fields overlap. Required fields are a type of data-entry field, and protected fields can change from protected to entry, depending on which business or data-integrity rules are in effect.

There are two types of protected fields—text-entry fields that are changed dynamically between protected and unprotected modes to fulfill business rules; and read-only fields. Read-only fields can be changed dynamically as well to reflect changes in states. For example, you can use a read-only field to display the current directory path or the current date and time (Microsoft 1995, 162).

You can create read-only fields using a text label (if you can change labels dynamically) or a field set to not accept user input (false for user input).

Visual design for protected fields

To indicate a read-only field:

  • don’t put an entry-area box around the text in a read-only field (Fig. 14)
  • set the background color to the window’s background (the client area)

To indicate that an entry field has switched to protected, either:

  • change the text to gray (Fig. 15) and continue to show the entry-area box (the bounding box)
  • change the entry area to the background color (but maintain the bounding box). In Windows 95, the system itself changes the background color of the field to indicate the change (Microsoft 1995, 158).

Functional guidelines

Don’t confuse the user:

  • Don’t let users select protected information if they can’t copy or change it. (However, if they can copy protected information and you want them to be able to copy it, making it selectable is fine.)
  • Make sure that read-only data really has to be read-only. For example, if a Windows 95 icon label is editable on the desktop, it should also be editable in the Properties box.

View-only vs. data-entry windows

Confusions sometimes occur because designers have used the data-entry window as the view window—the layout and the fields are the same, but suddenly the user can’t change any of the information.

Rather than trying to fix this problem in the documentation or training, try making separate versions of the window. Input and view are often such different modes that they require different layouts. For example, data-entry windows must match the entry form or script, while view windows should organize the data according to the user’s interest in the information. See Window for information about the three types of windows.

On the other hand, you may want to rethink the divisions between inquire and update—a rigid differentiation may not actually be necessary in windowing systems.

Business rules

Field protection is often used to enforce business rules such as "Only managers can approve a draw against a new account." Make sure that you capture the business-rule information in the requirements phase.

Usability tests:

Make sure that the customer really needs to protect the data. This information should have been captured in the requirements phase, but it’s always good to check again.

Also, when you do usability testing, listen for questions that indicate that the users are lost: "Why can’t I change this?"

See also:

Field, Entry; Field, Required.

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Field, Required

An entry area that requires users to enter valid data.

Good for:

For databases, making sure that records contain complete or necessary information (Fig. 16).

For analyses, making sure that the entries are complete and probably valid.

Design guidelines:

Note that data-entry, required, and protected fields overlap. Required fields are a type of data-entry field, and protected fields can change from protected to entry, depending on which business or data-integrity rules are in effect.

How to indicate a required field

Feedback for required fields has three aspects:

  • Look—how are required fields distinguished from normal fields?
  • Timing—when are required fields distinguished from normal fields?
  • Behavior—what happens when required fields are not filled in?

The type of feedback you use depends on the user profile. If the users are mostly inexperienced (either because they use the application only occasionally or there is high turnover), then you want feedback to be obvious and immediate (within reason). If the users are experienced, then your feedback can be more subtle and unobtrusive. Use Table 6, Table 7, and Table 8 to pick the appropriate type of feedback for your user profile. The tables are organized from most to least obtrusive. (For more background, see Zetie, 1995, chapter 6, "Errors and Help.")

Table 6. Look of a Required Field

Type of Visual Distinction

Effect on Inexperienced Users

Effect on Experienced Users

Change background color of field.

Strong cue.

Probably distracting.

Add "Required," an abbreviation (R or Req’d), or a symbol (Ö , ­ , è , for example) to the label.

Medium-level cue; easy to learn.

Not distracting, although the symbols may add clutter.

Change the color of the field text.

Invisible until the user starts to type.

Less distracting.

Change the color of the label.

Less obvious than changing the background of the field.

Less distracting.

Change the label font size or style (bold for required, medium for normal).

Changing type sizes or styles may be too subtle.

Too many fonts looks messy.

Change pointer when over required field.

No cue is visible when pointer isn’t over field.

Less distracting.

Don’t distinguish at all—instead, identify the required mode in status-line hints or tooltips.

Not much help for novices.

Use if any option is too distracting for experienced users.

Don’t distinguish—however, put all required fields at the top of the window.

If the fields are at the top, the user is naturally inclined to fill them in.

Not distracting. However, putting all required fields in one place may break up logical groupings or a natural order.

Once you’ve decided on a visual cue, follow up with a behavioral cue. See Table 7.

Table 7. Behavior of a Required Field

Behavior Type



Forbid field exit until user enters value.

Instant feedback.

Very constraining—user may never get out of the field if she doesn’t know what caused the error.

Forbid field exit but show explanation.

Explicit explanation is good.

Very modal and irritating to experienced users.

Disable the OK, Save, or Apply button until all required fields are filled.

Good for simple cases (for example, when a Logon button is disabled until user enters a password).

Bad when user can’t deduce which combinations of fields are required.

Show alert when user selects enabled OK, Save, or Apply button: User gets an error message saying that highlighted fields must be filled in, and the required fields change color (or otherwise show themselves).

Strong feedback plus offers an explicit explanation for novices without distracting experienced users.

Not as obvious as enabling the button when all of the required fields are filled.

When you notify users—before they enter the field, when they are in the field, or when they leave the field—is as important as how you notify them. Make sure that you match the feedback levels for look, timing, and behavior. See Table 8.

Table 8. Timing of Notification

Timing Method

Effect on Inexperienced Users

Effect on Experienced Users


Always distinguish required fields.



Creates a stable display.

Distinguish on demand.

Must be documented; otherwise, users will never know about it.

Offers control.

Give the user a keyboard shortcut, preference-style setting, or a View menu option that turns the distinction on and off. Preference should be saved between sessions.

Distinguish only when validation fails.

Little feedback.


Required fields are marked only when the user tries to leave the field or the dialog box.

Defaults and required fields

If you are going to make a field mandatory, then add a default entry. Make sure that this default is automatically selected as soon as the user enters the field, so that it can be easily replaced if necessary.

Whenever possible, consider replacing required fields with combo boxes or drop-down list boxes.

Help for required fields

Add tooltips to your required fields; if you can’t add tooltips, at least add a status-bar hint that says something like "Required" or "You must enter data in this field."

Provide field-level help to the required fields. See Online Help, Context-Sensitive, for details.

If you use error messages for required fields, add a help button or Details button to the message box. Put "Required" as the first word in the tooltip and online help panel. Offer business-rule help as well as formatting help (if necessary). Also have the cursor return to the required field when the error message appears. Do not delete the erroneous text, if possible. Instead, let the user modify it.

Usability tests:

Do not over-constrain. When testing prototypes, watch for and ask about signs of frustration.

Make sure that users can get all the information needed to fill in the required fields (perhaps on other windows) or, if they cannot, that they can save an unfinished window. Although much of the constraint information (logical or because of business rules) should be in your task analysis, subtleties may appear in the test phases.

See also:

Combo Box; Drop-Down List; Field, Entry; Field, Protected.

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