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Preface to the GUI Design Handbook
Checkbox to Cursor
Dialog Box to Drop-down List
Graph to Iconic Label
Keyboard Shortcuts to List Box
Menubar to Message Box
Online Help
Palette to Pushbutton
Radio Buttons to Status Bar
Table to Wizard

14 Steps of GUI Design
Color & Pattern
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Radio Button

A button used to turn mutually exclusive settings on and off. Users can set only one radio button at a time. Radio buttons are usually round (in Windows) or diamond-shaped (in Motif).

Good for:

Selecting only one setting from two to six possible settings (Fig. 1).

radio button

Fig. 1. Radio buttons.

Letting users toggle between two states when the states are not opposites or easily inferred from one another (Fig. 2).

radio buttons as toggles

Fig. 2. A radio-button toggle.

Not good for:

More than six or seven settings at a time. Use a single-selection list or a drop-down list box instead.

Starting programs or opening dialog boxes. Use pushbuttons instead.

Switching between two views of the same data. Use tabbed windows or dialog boxes instead.

Design guidelines:

Grouping and arranging radio buttons

Radio buttons naturally come in groups (except for toggles, described in "Creating a toggle" below). Box or frame each group of related buttons and give each group a descriptive label (Fig. 1).

Organize the group by frequency or task order, logically or alphanumerically. See "How to organize lists" in List Box, Multiple-Selection, for additional ideas.

How many radio buttons are too many?

When you get more than six settings, switch to a single-selection list. Otherwise, the buttons start taking up too much room on the window or dialog box.

Pick a default button

One radio button must always be in selected mode, even when the user first opens the application. As the window’s developer, you must pick a default button. Also, since one button must always be on, users cannot choose "none of the above" unless you provide one.

Creating a toggle

Both check boxes and radio buttons can function as toggles. Here, for example, is a typical check box toggle:

show summary check box

This is fine for a yes/no, on/off choice. However, what about a toggle like this?

full duplex check

What is the opposite of full duplex? To the uninitiated, probably empty duplex. For modem experts, however, the right answer is half duplex. One solution is to change the label depending on the setting, but that becomes confusing for two reasons (Microsoft 1995a, 138):

  • Changing labels makes the interface seem inconsistent, which is a usability failure.

  • Until the user clicks the button a few times, he or she may not realize that clicking sets the other state, not the state shown on the label:

check boxes

You can’t solve the problem with two check boxes, since then the user can set both states at the same time or none at all. Rather, the solution is to use two radio buttons:

radio buttons


Arranging radio buttons

You can arrange radio buttons horizontally (in rows) or vertically (in columns). Vertical is better since it’s easier to scan—just make sure that you align the buttons.

If you have to use a horizontal arrangement, leave enough space between buttons so that users are not confused about which label goes with which button (Wilson 1997).

button set

Fig. 3. Too close and not too close.

Usability tests:

To find out what the default button should be and whether you need a button meaning "none," first check your specifications and taskflow documentation. Then test the choices with a low-fidelity or high-fidelity prototype. Listen for statements like, "How do I turn off all these buttons?" If you hear, "How do I get the default back?" ask which button should be the default.

See also:

Check Box; Drop-Down List Box; List Box, Single-Selection.


Scroll Bar

A narrow rectangular area consisting of a scroll area, a scroll box, and arrows or anchors at either end that is used to represent the user’s relative position in a document, file, or list. Scroll bars can be vertical or horizontal.

Good for:

Viewing information that is beyond the edge of the scrollable object (list, window, or dialog box).

With a split bar, letting users see two parts of the same file at the same (Fig. 4).

scroll bar

Fig. 4. Scroll bars and a split bar.

Not good for:

Applications that require tiling two or three windows vertically on the screen (Fig. 5). The scroll bars take up too much room. Use slide bars instead.

scroll bar

Fig. 5. Too much screen furniture.

Setting values—don’t confuse a scroll bar with a slider. See Slider for details.

Design guidelines:

Gray or take away?

Scroll bars can be set up to:

  • disappear if the scrollable object isn’t wide or long enough to scroll

  • always appear but be grayed out if the object is not scrollable

  • always appear (without graying or any other indicator)

In general, users think of disappearing and reappearing screen components as unreliable. However, since scroll bars are more like furniture than equipment, they probably aren’t even noticed until they’re needed. Suggestion: Pick one method (the easiest, say) and stick with it throughout the interface.

Length of the list

Applications have indicated the length of and the user’s location on the list (or other scrollable object) in at least two ways (Fig. 6):

  1. The scroll box sits at or moves to a spot on the bar proportional to the length of the list or document and the user’s location in the list or document

  2. The scroll box itself is proportional in size to the length of the list or document. By its size, it indicates the proportion of information currently visible.

scroll bar

Fig. 6. Two ways to indicate the length of a scrolled list:
the scroll box’s position on the scroll bar or the size of the scroll box.

Your platform guidelines or your development environment may pick the method for you. Usability testing will tell you which method makes the most sense to your users.

However, no scroll bar or other component can indicate how long the list is when the application itself doesn’t know (when a list is first loading, for example). Rather than trying to change the scroll bar or invent a new widget, just let users know that there may be a delay in showing the size of the list. (Use a status message that doesn’t require a user response.) If you can let the user do his work while the rest of the list loads, you will probably have solved the only important problem—being forced to wait.

Width of items

When you create a scrolling list of items, you may find that some of the text is too wide to fit. Important parts of long path names or long file names (in Apple systems and now in Windows 95) may thereby be cut off. You can solve the problem in these ways:

  • Use tooltips that show the entire name when the pointer hovers over the truncated name.

  • Make the list wider. If the widths of the lists may vary by customer site—for example, customers with client/server systems have long path names, those with stand-alone systems have short path names—consider making the lists resizable.

  • Eliminate text in the middle of the item and insert ellipses (…) there to preserve the beginning and end of the item names.

  • Add a horizontal scroll bar to the bottom of the list.

Split bars

The split bar is a nearly invisible feature—as well it should be since most users won’t need it (Fig. 7 and Fig. 8). However, for those who do, splitting a window into panes lets users have multiple views of a single object. (This is a different type of task from having more than one window open at the same time, although the operation is basically the same.)

Some situations in which multiple views are helpful are:

  • Being able to work on a blown-up section of a graphic in one pane and see the effect on the normally sized graphic in another pane

  • Looking at footnotes in one pane and text in another

  • Copying information from one part of a document to another

  • Comparing two parts of the same object

scroll bar

Fig. 7. The user clicks the split bar and drags...

scroll bar

Fig. 8. The newly split window.

Better location information

Some applications, including Microsoft Word 97, now show additional location information. When users click on the scroll box (but not the arrow keys), a tooltip with the heading of the current location appears (Fig. 9). In long files or documents, this is very helpful.

scroll bar

Fig. 9. A location tooltip.


Difficulties with scrolling

Novice windows users may have difficulty understanding how windows work. The chosen development idiom is that the window moves around over data that is fixed in position (the "telescope approach"). This means that the data in a window moves opposite to the direction indicated by the arrow button or the scroll box.

However, users often assume that the arrows will move the data in the same direction as the directional arrow or scroll box—in other words, users think that the data moves under the window, not the window over the data. Why this happens, no one knows. Perhaps it is because users conclude that the data must be moving because the window stays still; or since scroll bars are close to the data, the arrows must be acting on the data, not the window (Galitz 1997, 407).

Another difficulty, even for experienced users, is the amount of mouse movement needed to use scroll bars, since the arrow keys are at opposite ends of the scroll bar (Cooper 1995, 199). Why not put them together? For example, see Fig. 10.

scroll bar

Fig. 10. The second scroll bar, with the arrows together, requires less mousing than the first.


Usability tests:

Here are some tests for inexperienced window users:

  • If your user profile indicates that the users are inexperienced with windows, see if the test participants recognize the function of the scroll bar.

  • With talk-aloud protocols, find out what conceptual models users bring to looking beyond the edge of the screen. See "Difficulties with scrolling" above.

  • If splitting a window into panes is an important part of the application, make sure that users recognize the split bar. Also make sure they know how to unsplit a split window (this is usually a menu option).

Share the results with your training and documentation departments.

Check item widths

During the high-fidelity testing phase, ask the test participants for typical item names. If the list may contain path names, find the longest possible path name as well. Then make sure either that the list box is wide enough to accommodate the longest name or that you’ve included a horizontal scroll bar or ellipses in the center of the names.

Check whether users need slide bars instead

When users are moving from very dense terminal-based or character-based systems to GUIs, make sure that you don’t unintentionally narrow their views of the information. During tests of high-fidelity prototypes or beta versions, listen for complaints that there isn’t enough information on the screen or that the scroll bars and other furniture are blocking the users’ view of the data. You may need to replace the scroll bars with slide bars or let users toggle off all screen furniture (see Slide Bar for more information). Use experienced users as test participants; new users may not realize that information is missing.

See also:

Slide Bar.

Slide Bar

A very narrow version of a scroll bar.

Good for:

Situations in which space is tight, either because the window is very dense or because the main window has to hold many subwindows or panels (Fig. 11).

slide bar

Fig. 11. A window with slide bars instead of scroll bars. They appear at the bottom of the headlines panel
and on the right edges of the rightmost panels.

Not good for:

Occasional or one-time-use applications. Slide bars are too subtle for transient applications.

Any user population without the fine motor skills needed to manipulate the small scroll box and arrow buttons.

Design guidelines:

When users are moving from very dense terminal-based or character-based systems to GUIs, all the GUI apparatus may unintentionally narrow their views of the information, especially if there are many panes or secondary windows on the main window. (News and financial data applications often tile a dozen windows of various sizes and shapes on the screen at once.)

Consider eliminating even the slide bars: Let users toggle all screen ornamentation on and off. While they set up their windows, they can have the scroll bars and window titles on. Once they’re done setting up, they can turn everything off. For more scrolling guidelines and information, see Scroll Bar.

Usability tests:

On a high-fidelity prototype, make sure that the user population has the manual dexterity to click on and drag the small slider. If they can’t, try making the hot spot larger than the slider. The slider itself can be made larger if it doesn’t obscure live information.

See also:

Scroll Bar



A scale or scrolling bar that lets users select a value from a continual range of values. An indicator shows the current setting.

Good for:

Incrementing or decrementing continuous values. Sliders can be read-only or read-write (Fig. 12).


Fig. 12. A slider with an entry area.

Selecting one value or point from an infinite number of values or points.

Not good for:

Precise entries (unless the slider component also includes an entry area for exact values, as shown in Fig. 12). Use a list box or combo box instead.

Situations in which the range is not continuous.

Fewer than 10 choices. Use a spin box instead.

Design guidelines:

A well-designed, well-thought-out slider can be an excellent way to map real-life functionality to a software interface. For example, an online thermostat is much more intuitive if you let users raise or lower the temperature by dragging and dropping rather than typing. Just make sure that the values on your slider increase or decrease in some well-known, predictable, and easily understood way.

Show the result of a shift numerically—percentages, size, etc.—or visually. For example, if your application has a color wheel on which users can change colors, show how the color palette has changed.

Let users type an entry or adjust the setting by typing. This offers them the best of two worlds—a slider for the big changes, an entry area for fine-tuning (Fig. 12).

Sliders are not scroll bars

Don’t confuse a scroll bar with a slider. See Fig. 13.


Fig. 13. A scroll bar vs. a slider.

Labeling sliders

Make sure that the slider’s labels give the units of measurement. Galitz also offers these guidelines (1997, 399-400):

  • Mark the low, intermediate, and high ends of the scale.

  • Provide interval markings in consistent increments.

  • Let the user change the units of measurement.

Read-only vs. read-write

If the user can change the value shown on the slider, provide a slider box and arrow buttons (like scroll bars). If the user cannot change the slider, do not provide the slider box or arrow buttons. Instead, fill the bar in some visually distinctive way to indicate the value.

Fill vertical sliders from bottom to top. Fill horizontal sliders from left to right. If you intend to internationalize your software, keep in mind that, in some Asian languages, left may indicate higher values and right may indicate lower values. Check with your local representatives.

Usability tests:

Brainstorm to find potential sliders. Look for opportunities to replace entry areas with sliders during low-fidelity prototyping.

However, keep in mind that sliders, although easy to understand, take up more room onscreen and are less precise than simpler entry areas. If you are creating an application with which users will spend a lot of time, make sure that you test the ideas on experienced users before you start coding. (If your application comes and goes, on the other hand, use as many sliders as you can. They are helpful because the mapping between the real-world operation and the GUI is usually direct.)

Make sure that users can select an exact value easily. Don’t pack the slider so tight that it is hard to stop the indicator on an exact value. Adding an entry area will let users make fine adjustments.

See also:

Spin Box


Spin Box

A one-line entry area with up and down arrows at one end. Users can either click the arrow buttons or type a choice.

Good for:

For applications with limited screen space, setting predictable, customary, or consecutive values (numbers, days of the week, and so on) with the mouse (Fig. 14).


Fig. 14. A standard spin box.

Not good for:

In a non-editable spin box, more than 10 increments. Having too many increments forces users to click for long periods of time. Use a combo box or a slider instead.

Situations in which users need to compare the choices and therefore need to see them.

Users with limited patience or manual dexterity (for example, laptop users or children). The arrows are small targets and therefore hard to hit.

Design guidelines:

Always add an entry area. Let users enter their own numbers as well as select them with the spin buttons.

Maximum number of choices

Weinschenk and Yao recommend keeping the list to under 10 choices (1995, 18). Although this makes sense for non-editable spin boxes, an editable spin box naturally accommodates more choices. The spinner becomes a secondary input device.

Labeling spin-box increment buttons

One problem with spin boxes is that users sometimes can’t tell whether the up arrow increments or decrements the values. For example, it may not be obvious which direction the year will move in Fig. 14. Clicking the up arrow might change the year from 2010 to 2011 or from 2010 to 2009. Using a plus and a minus rather than the standard arrows might be a better design (Fig. 15).


Fig. 15. Better labeling for a spin box.

If the range is limited, put that information in the label. For example, if the range of priority levels is between 1 and 10, write the label as "Priority (1-10)."

Usability tests:

Test for appropriate increments and increment sizes.

Watch for difficulties manipulating the arrow buttons. They are small targets and easy to overshoot.

Test that your chosen order actually makes sense to users. "Customary" is not always the same, especially internationally.

See also:

Drop-Down List


Status Bar

An area at the bottom, or occasionally the top, of a main window that displays information about the current state of what is being viewed in the window or any other contextual information, such as keyboard state (OVR vs. INS, for example). It may also contain progress messages and screen component definitions.

Good for:

Giving feedback on modes (CAPS, NUM, etc.) and location (page number, window identification). See Fig. 16.

Offering system or application messages that do not require user response.

Showing descriptions of components when the user holds the mouse pointer over each one. Note: When the development environment allows, What’s This? help and extended tooltips are better tools for object identification.

status bar

Fig. 16. A status bar from CompuServe 3.0.1.

Not good for:

Object help that is better handled with tooltips.

Important or critical messages that require a response. Users may not notice status-bar messages. Use a message box instead.

Design guidelines:

Responding to the question, "Have you done any testing (or know of any) that indicates whether users actually read [status-bar] messages?" Jared Spool, usability expert, said (1996):

Our research is very clear on this. Users almost never see bottom-line messages. The larger the screen, the more likely they will miss any important messages.

This has to do with the focus of the user’s attention. When the users are exploring menu items at the top of the screen, they don’t notice changes to the bottom of the screen.

Lotus (amongst others) tried putting the messages in the top window banner, but that only had a negligible effect.

Spool goes on to say that tooltips were more effective. When Excel 4.0 without tooltips was replaced with Excel 5.0 with tooltips, icon usage jumped significantly.

Status messages, defined

Status messages are a running commentary on an application's activity. For example, as a program loads, the status message might be "Loading database...." As the program searches, the message might be "Searching for matches...." Once the program has results, the message might be "23 records found."

Status messages are used to indicate either progress toward a goal or the accomplishment of that goal. Progress messages are important when response times may be slow or changeable, while acknowledgment messages are important when a process is not visible to the user (it's running in background, say) or when a process takes so long that the user may have turned away from her computer before it has finished.

Once users know what to expect for particular tasks, variability in response times can also create anxiety and dissatisfaction. Variability can occur in either direction: A response that is suddenly too fast causes as much anxiety as one that is too slow (Galitz 1994, 432). The anxiety comes from uncertainty¾ "Did the process I asked for work?" or "Why is this taking so long? Did I break something?"

As well as providing feedback, therefore, status messages help mitigate the effects of too-long or too-short response times. Users tolerate delays when they know how long the process will take and that the process is, indeed, still continuing. They will tolerate too-fast responses if an acknowledgment message shows that their request was actually acted upon.

How to write status messages

The messages have to be short because the available space is so small. Feel free to use sentence fragments and implied subjects, objects, or predicates. In progress messages, the action (predicate) is usually more important than the subject or object (see Fig. 17). In acknowledgment messages, the object¾ the result¾ is usually the most important (see Fig. 18).

Retrieving records…

Fig. 17. The action, "Retrieving," comes first in a progress message.

23 records found.

Fig. 18. The result often comes first in an acknowledgment message.

If you are going to internationalize the interface, keep in mind that text will expand by at least 30 percent, maybe as much as 200 percent. (See Table n, "Expansion Rates Between English and Other Languages" in Label.) Keep the status-bar messages in resource files to make translation easier.


Use colons to indicate "as follows." For example:

Connected: 23 minutes.

To indicate time passing, use an ellipsis (three periods) at the end of the word or phrase:


If the process continues for more than a few seconds, continue to add dots or to cycle through dots: one dot, then two dots, then three dots, then back to one dot.

Who should write status messages

Even though creating status-bar descriptions and messages are development tasks (they are attached to the buttons, menu options, or processes that call them), ask your technical writers to write or edit them. Technical writers will make sure that the messages are grammatically correct, spelled correctly, and consistent from one part of the application to another.

No matter who writes the messages, remember to proofread them. There are often misspellings, missing spaces between words, strange capitalization, and a lack of¾ or too much¾ punctuation.

Usability tests:

When testing prototypes (low- or high-fidelity), note points at which the test participants seem to be looking for more information. Ask them what they can’t find.

In high-fidelity prototypes or beta versions, see if the participants ask questions that can be answered by status information that they are not noticing.

See also:

Message Box; Progress Indicator; Tooltip.

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